The Pelham Song 1935 by Jessica B. Chaffee ( Text )
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The Pelham Song - 1935
The Pelham Song 1935 by Jessica B. Chaffee
Pelham has shining highways where busy traffic flows,
Pelham has shady byways where pink arbutus grows,
Vistas of purple mountains the far horizons o'er.
And then a bower of roses , close by a cottage door.
Pelham has kindly people and little friendly bands.
Who meet to sing and study and work with heart and hands.
For we must give our children all of the best ·that's new.
Choosing from ancient story all that is good and true.
Pelham has given water that thirsty folks may live.
Water to distant cities from our clear streams we give.
A toast to our dear 'old Pelham! In water drink it down.
To thee may we be faithful -Pelham- " The Friendly Town."
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creator Jessica B. Chaffee
Library of Congress Subject Terms:
Sheet music ( link: )

The Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT)® Term:

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