Points of Interest in the Brewer Road area, a walking tour of historical sites.

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(Brewer Road)
[ 42.393219 , -72.430322 ]
When: Sunday Jun 12 2022 ~ 2:00 pm

Come and share in the beauty and solitude of Brewer Road.
Our hike will take us into the 19th century where we will view seven cellar holes of former residents, as well as the cellar hole of John Lincoln Brewer, the esteemed farmer who the road was named after.

Dress comfortably … don’t forget to bring water and insect repellant. For more information contact

Linda Campbell Hanscom, 413-323-7377 or Bruce Klotz, 413-695-1797.


Meet at the southern end of Brewer Road and North Valley Road.

Brewer Road Photos and Maps

Location: Brewer Road