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(2 South Valley Road)
[ 42.378065 , -72.468994 ]
(2 South Valley Road)
When: Tuesday Mar 28 2017
~ 7:00 pm
Business meeting at 7 pm; followed by a presentation at 7:30 pm
Surrounding Pelham MA, potters, brick-makers and the general population made use of clay for utensils, homes and other products from the colonial period through the 19th century. These products employed colorful names that occasionally became slang. This history and their stories will be presented by Rick Hamelin, who has researched the Massachusetts clay industry since 1985 and is a Master Potter from Warren, MA.
Location: Pelham Library Ramsdell Room
co-sponsored with the Pelham Library
co-sponsored with the Pelham Library
For more information contact Cynthia Weigel, 413-256-4606.